December 11, 2017-
This year, AGM has adopted an experiential learning approach, which encourages students to learn through experiences, particularly outside of the school campus. Our 4th-6th grade students are participating in a Career Series, through which they visit different offices each month, to meet with professionals on site, take tours, engage in activities planned for them, and gain first-hand exposure to diverse career opportunities.
Our first trip, held in November, was to California State Assemblyman, Tom Daly’s office in Anaheim. Assemblyman Daly, along with his District Director, gave our students insight about how a bill becomes a law in the CA State legislature. Students also went through the motions of passing a bill until it reaches the Governor’s desk. They were given copies of the California Constitution, and learned what it might be like to one day become a politician.
Today, our upper elementary students visited the North Justice Center, where they had the opportunity to watch Judge Manssourian in action. They began the visit by witnessing real defendants and attorneys negotiating cases, and met the sheriff who explained his role in keeping the courtroom safe. Afterwards, Judge Manssourian dismissed the court and invited students back to his chambers to answer questions about the the justice system, and how to become a judge. The trip concluded with a full mock trial, where students entered their own courtroom and played the roles of judge, defense/prosecution attorneys, jurors, bailiff, clerk, and witnesses.
These first-hand experiences are important in helping expose our students to the world around them, and the many exciting career opportunities they can pursue. In the upcoming months, students will also be visiting U.C. Irvine to hear about academia, the Apple Store to learn about a future in tech, and more!